If you are unable to access a publication by the link provided, please email the corresponding author for a copy.
Daniels, L.D., V. Comeau and G. Knochenmus. (2016). Is climate causing yellow-cedar decline on Haida Gwaii? Report on the NSERC Engage collaboration between UBC and Taan Forest. December 2016. 21p.
Wong, C.M. and L.D. Daniels (2016). Novel forest decline triggered by multiple interactions among climate, an introduced pathogen and bark beetles Global Change Biology 23: 1926-1941
Marcoux, H.M., L.D. Daniels, S.E. Gergel, E.D. Silva, Z.M. Gedalof and P.F. Hessburg (2015). Differentiating mixed- and high-severity fire regimes in mixed-conifer forests of the Canadian Cordillera Forest Ecology and Management 341, 1 April 2015, Pages 45–58
Daniels, L.D., T. Jackman, I. Jarvis and X. Xu (2015). Analysis of western redcedar growth in a plantation Report to the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. Cowichan Lake Research Station and the Michael Smith Laboratory, UBC, Vancouver. June 2015. 6p.
Chavardes, R.D. and L.D. Daniels (2015). Wildfire Legacies in Jasper National Park. Banchlines 26(1):18-19
Arnett, J.T.T., N.C. Coops, L.D. Daniels, and R.W. Falls. (2015). Detecting Forest Damage after a Low-Severity Fire using Remote Sensing at Multiple Scales International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 35: 239–246. doi:10.1016/j.jag.2014.09.013
Axelson. J.N., D.J. Smith, L.D. Daniels and R.I. Alfaro. (2015). Multicentury reconstruction of western spruce budworm outbreaks in central British Columbia, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 335:235-248
Daniels, L.D.and J. Liu (2015). Effects of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on yellow-cedar growth and mortality Report to the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. Nanaimo BC. July 2015. 25p.
Amoroso, M.M., L.D. Daniels, R. Villalba and P. Cherubini (2015). Does drought incite decline and death of Austrocedrus chilensis forests? Journal of Vegetation Science 26: 1171-1183
Daniels, L.D., H. Erasmus, B. Forge, G.A. Greene and S. Lavallee. (2014). Monitoring fire intensity and severity: 2013 prescribed burn at the Westside Unit, Vaseux-Bighorn National Wildlife Area Report to the Canadian Wildlife Service, Delta, BC. October 2014. 28p.
Bataineh, M.M. and L.D. Daniels (2014). An objective classification of largewood in streams. Forest Ecology and Management 313:1-9.
Lori Daniels and Suzie Lavallee (2014). Better safe than sorry: Planning for safe and successful fieldwork Ecological Society of America Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America