If you are unable to access a publication by the link provided, please email the corresponding author for a copy.
Daniels, L.D., R.W. Gray and D. Bowman (2017). We created B.C.’s wildfire problem – and we can fix it Globe and Mail (Invited OpEd)
Comeau, V. and L.D. Daniels (2017). Is climate causing yellow-cedar decline on Haida Gwaii? (update) Report to British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Nanaimo, BC. March 2017. 15p.
Daniels, L.D., R.W. Gray, B. Brett, P.D. Pickell, M.F.J. Pisaric, R.D. Chavardès, G.A. Greene, M.H. Marcoux and V. Comeau. (2017). Disturbance regimes in the maritime to submaritime forests of the south coast of British Columbia: Status of knowledge and understanding Report to the British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Victoria, BC. March 2017. 98p.
Amoroso, M.M., P.J. Baker L.D. Daniels and J.J. Camerero, (2017). Preface. Pp. ix-xii in Dendroecology: Tree-ring Analyses Applied to Ecological Studies. Springer, Ecological Studies: Analysis and Synthesis. Volume 231. Springer Nature, Switzerland.
Daniels, L.D., V. Luu3, A. Carroll. (2017). Direct and indirect effects of wildfire on a Douglas-fir forest: a case study of the 2013 Knife Creek Wildfire. Technical Report to the Alex Fraser Research Forests, Williams Lake, BC. September 2017. 36p.
Amoroso, M.M., P.J. Baker L.D. Daniels and J.J. Camerero (2017). Introduction. Pp. 1-12 in Dendroecology: Tree-ring Analyses Applied to Ecological Studies. Springer, Ecological Studies: Analysis and Synthesis. Volume 231. Springer Nature, Switzerland.
Daniels, L.D., R.W. Gray and P.J. Burton (2017). 2017 Megafires in BC - Urgent Need to Adapt and Improve Resilience to Wildfire White Paper Submitted to the Government of BC and BC Flood and Wildire Review
L.D. Daniels (2017). Wildfire 2017 Branchlines 28(3): 12-13
Chavardes, R.D. and L.D. Daniels (2016). Altered mixed-severity fire regime has homogenized montane forests of Jasper National Park International Journal of Wildland Fire 25: 433-444
Daniels, L.D., K. Peterson, B. Eskelson and V. Woodruff (2016). Wildfire effects and post-fire dynamics in coastal forests of British Columbia Report to Ecofish Research Ltd., Squamish, BC and NSERC-Engage, Ottawa, ON
Tomscha SA, Sutherland I, Renard D, Gergel SE, Rhemtulla JR, Bennett EM, Daniels LD, Eddy IMS and E Clark (2016). A Guide to Historical Data Sets for Reconstructing Ecosystem Service Change over Time Bioscience 66 (9):747-762
Daniels, L.D and J. Liu. (2016). Age of spruce seedlings from Kluane National Park Report to Yukon Field Unit, Parks Canada Agency. 4p.