If you are unable to access a publication by the link provided, please email the corresponding author for a copy.
Arbellay, E., I. Jarvis, R. Chavardes, L.D. Daniels, and M. Stoffel. (2018). Tree-ring proxies of larch bud moth defoliation: latewood width and blue intensity are more precise than tree-ring width Tree Physiology
Daniels, L.D., S.M. Hagerman and S. Ravensbergen (2018). Wildfire Prevention and Fuels Management in the Wildland-Urban Interface: BC Community Perceptions. Report to the Union of BC Municipalities, First Nations’ Emergency Services Society, BC Community Forest Association and BC Wildfire Service. May 2018. 30pp.
Amoroso, M.M., J.H. Speer, L.D. Daniels and 23 others (2018). South American dendroecological fieldweek 2016: Exploring dendrochronological research in northern Patagonia. Tree-Ring Research 74: 120-131
Daniels, L.D., S.M. Hagerman and S. Ravensbergen. (2018). Is your community prepared for wildfire? Branchlines 29(3): 12-13
Bowman, D.M.J.S., L.D. Daniels, F.H. Johnston, G.J.Williamson, W.M. Jolly, S. Magzamen, A.G. Rappold, M. Brauer, S.B. Henderson. (2018). Can air quality management drive sustainable fuels management at the wildland-urban interface? Fire 1, 27
Maclauchlan, L., L.D. Daniels, J.C. Hodge and J.E. Brooks. (2018). Characterization of western spruce budworm outbreak regions in the British Columbia interior. Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Chavardes, R.D., L.D. Daniels, Z. Gedalof, D.W. Andison. (2018). Human influences superseded climate to disrupt the 20th century fire regime in Jasper National Park, Canada. Dendrochronologia 48:10-19.
Amoroso, M.M., L.D. Daniels, and P.J. Baker (2017). Dendroecology: Lessons learned and future frontiers. Pp. 395-400 in Dendroecology: Tree-ring Analyses Applied to Ecological Studie Springer, Ecological Studies: Analysis and Synthesis. Volume 231. Springer Nature, Switzerland.
Arbellay, E., L.D. Daniels, S.D. Mansfield and A.S. Chang. (2017). Cambial injury in lodgpole pine (Pinus contorta): mountain pine beetle versus fire. Tree Physiology 37:1611-1621
Daniels. L.D., R.L. Sherriff, L. Yocom-Kent and E.H. Heyerdahl (2017). Deciphering the complexity of historical fire regimes: Diversity among forests of western North America. Pp. 185-210 in Dendroecology: Tree-ring Analyses Applied to Ecological Studies Springer Life Sciences Series
Amoroso, M.M., M. Rodríguez-Catón, R. Villalba, and L.D. Daniels. (2017). Forest decline in northern Patagonia: the role of climatic variability Pp. 325-344 in Dendroecology: Tree-ring Analyses Applied to Ecological Studies Springer Life Sciences Series
Greene G.A. and L.D. Daniels (2017). Spatial interpolation and mean fire interval analyses quantify metrics of historical mixed-severity fire regimes International Journal of Wildland Fire 26: 138-147