If you are unable to access a publication by the link provided, please email the corresponding author for a copy.
Coogan, S.C.P., L.D. Daniels, D. Boychuk, P.J. Burton, M.D. Flannigan, S. Gauthier, V.G. Kafka, J. Park, B.M. Wotton. (2021) Fifty years of wildland fire science in Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51:283-302.
Daniels, L.D., R.W. Gray and P.J. Burton. (2020) 2017 Megafires in British Columbia - Urgent Need to Adapt and Improve Resilience to Wildfire. In: S.M. Hood, S. Drury, T. Steelman and R. Steffens (eds). Proceedings of the Fire Continuum – preparing for the future of wildland fire, 21-24 May 2018 May, Missoula, MT. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO Proceedings RMRS-P-78: 51-62.
Davis, E.L., R. Brown, L.D. Daniels, T. Kavanaugh and Z. Gedalof. 2020. Regional variability in the response of alpine treelines to climate change. Climatic Change 162: 1365–1384.
Comeau,V., L.D. Daniels, R. Chavardès, G. Knochenmus, and S. Zeglan. (2020). Tree-rings reveal accelerated yellow-cedar decline with changes to winter climate after 1980 Forests 10:1085
McLauchlan, K.K., P.E. Higuera, J. Miesel, B.M. Rogers, J.K. Shuman, A.J. Tepley, J.M. Varner, T.T. Veblen, S.A. Adalsteinsson, J.K. Balch, P. Baker, E. Batllori, E. Bigio, P. Brando, M. Cattau, M.L. Chipman, J. Coen, R. Crandall, L.D. Daniels, N. Enright, W.S. Gross, B.J. Harvey, S. Hermann, R.E. Hewitt, L.N. Kobziar, J.B. Landesmann, M.M. Loranty, S.Y. Maezumi, L. Mearns, M. Moritz, J.A. Myers, J.G. Pausas, A.F.A., Pellegrini, W.J. Platt, J. Roozeboom, H. Safford, F. Santos, R.M. Scheller, R.L. Sherriff, K.G. Smith, M.D. Smith, A.C. Watts. 2020. Fire as a fundamental ecological process: research advances and frontiers. Journal of Ecology 108:2047-2069.
Pickell P.D., R.D. Chavardès, S Li, and L.D. Daniels. 2020. FuelNet: An artificial neural network for learning and updating fuel types for fire research. Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59 (9): 7338-7352. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3037160
Comeau,V., L.D. Daniels, R. Chavardès, G. Knochenmus, and S. Zeglan. (2020). Tree-rings reveal accelerated yellow-cedar decline with changes to winter climate after 1980 Forests 10:1085
Peterson, K.F., B.N.I. Eskelson, V.J. Monleon, L.D. Daniels (2019). Surface fuel loads following a coastal–transitional fire of unprecedented severity: Boulder Creek fire case study Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48(8): 925-932
Chavardès, R.D., L.D. Daniels, B.N.I. Eskelson, P.D. Pickell (2019). Monthly adaptations of the Drought Code reveal nuanced fire–drought associations in montane forests with a mixed-severity fire regime. International Journal of Wildland Fire 28(6) 445-455
L.D. Daniels (2019). What Can British Columbia Learn from the Californian Wildfires? BC Forest Professional March/April 2019
Hessburg, P.F., C.L. Miller, S.A. Parks, N.A. Povak, A.H. Taylor, P.E. Higuera, S.J. Prichard, M.P. North, B.M. Collins, M.D. Hurteau, A.J. Larson, C.D. Allen, S.L. Stephens, H. RIvera-Huerta, C.S. Stevens-Rumann, L.D. Daniels, Z. Gedalof, R.W. Gray, V.R. Kane, D.J. Churchill, R.K. Hagmann, T.A. Spies, C.A. Cansler, R.R. Belote, T.T. Veblen, MA. Battaglia, C. Hoffman, C.N. Skinner, H.D. Safford and R.B. Salter. (2019). Climate, environment, and disturbance history govern resilience of western North American forests. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7-2019. doi:10.3389/fevo.2019.00239
L.D. Daniels (2019). Wildfires: Causes, Consequences and Coexistence 2019 State of the Mountains Report, Alpine Club of Canada. Volume 2: 4-13.