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If you are unable to access a publication by the link provided, please email the corresponding author for a copy.

Mercer C., V.M. Comeau, L.D. Daniels and M. Carrer. (2022) Contrasting impacts of climate warming on coastal old-growth tree species reveal an early warning of forest decline. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4:775301. 

Gamal El-Dien, O., Shalev, T. J., Yuen, M. M. S., Stirling, R., Daniels, L. D., Breinholt, J. W., Neves, L. G., Kirst, M., Van der Merwe, L., Yanchuk, A. D., Ritland, C., Russell, J. H., & Bohlmann, J. (2022). Genomic selection reveals hidden relatedness and increased breeding efficiency in western redcedar polycross breeding. Evolutionary Applications 15: 1291–1312.

Dickson-Hoyle, S., R. Ignace, M, Ignace, S. Hagerman, L.D. Daniels and K. Copes-Gerbitz. (2022). Walking on two legs: a pathway of Indigenous restoration and reconciliation in fire-adapted landscapes. Restoration Ecology 30: e13445

Arkin, J., N.C. Coops, L.D. Daniels and A. Plowright. (2022). A novel post-fire method to estimate individual tree crown scorch height and volume using simple RPAS-derived data. Fire Ecology 19: 1-12.

Qi, Y., N.C. Coops, L.D. Daniels and C.R. Butson. (2022) Assessing the effects of burn severity on post-fire tree structures using the fused drone and mobile laser scanning point clouds. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10:949442.

Hoffman K.M., Christianson A.C., Gray R. and Daniels L.D. (2022). Western Canada’s new wildfire reality needs a new approach to fire management. Environmental Research Letters: 7: 061001

Qi, Y., N.C. Coops, L.D. Daniels and C.R. Butson. (2022) Comparing tree attributes derived from quantitative structure models based on drone and mobile laser scanning point clouds across varying canopy cover conditions. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 192: 49-65.

Copes-Gerbitz, K., Daniels, L.D. and Hagerman, S. M. (2022) The contribution of Indigenous stewardship to an historical mixed-severity fire regime in British Columbia, Canada. Ecological Applications: 33:1 e2736

Copes-Gerbitz, K., S.M. Hagerman and L.D. Daniels. (2022) Transforming fire governance in British Columbia, Canada: an emerging vision for coexisting with fire. Regional Environmental Change 22: 48.

Baron, J.N., S.E. Gergel, P.F. Hessburg, and L.D. Daniels. (2022). A century of transformation: Fire regime transitions from 1919 to 2019 in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. Landscape Ecology.

Margolis, E.Q., C.H. Guiterman and 85 others (including L.D. Daniels, R.D. Chavardès, K. Copes-Gerbitz, C.E. Naficy, K.M. Hoffman). (2022) The North American tree-ring fire-scar network. Ecosphere 13:7 e4159

Kitchens, K., L. Peng, L.D. Daniels, and A.L. Carroll. (2022) Patterns of infestation by subcortical insects (Coleoptera: Buprestidae, Cerambycidae) after widespread wildfires in mature Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forests. Forest Ecology and Management 513 (1): 120203.

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