PhD Candidate
Dr. Raphaël Chavardès
Drought influences mixed-severity fire regimes across temporal and spatial scales in the Montane Cordillera of Canada
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2019 – PhD, Forestry, University of British Columbia (UBC)
2014 – MSc, Forestry, UBC
Research I am pursuing with my collaborators includes: 1) developing 20th and early 21st C. monthly mean predictions of the Canadian Fire Weather Index Drought Code for montane forests of southeastern British Columbia, 2) comparing drought reconstructions and their associations with historical fires in the same area, and 3) assessing historical fire-synchrony with climate variation over multiple regions of the southern Canadian Cordillera.
Arbellay E, Jarvis I, Chavardès RD, Daniels LD, Stoffel M (2018) Tree-ring proxies of larch bud moth defoliation: Latewood width and blue intensity are more precise than tree-ring width. Tree Physiology, 00: 1–9 https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpy057
Chavardès RD, Daniels LD, Gedalof Z, Andison DW (2018) Human influences superseded climate to disrupt the 20th century fire regime in Jasper National Park, Canada. Dendrochronologia, 48: 10–19 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dendro.2018.01.002
Black BA, Grissino-Mayer HD, Chavardès RD, Tucker CS, Thornton MP (2016) A 450-year reconstruction of Pacific Decadal Variability. North American Dendroecological Fieldweek report to the US National Science Foundation, 48–53
Chavardès RD, Daniels LD (2016) Altered mixed-severity fire regime has homogenized montane forests of Jasper National Park. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 25(4): 433–444 http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WF15048
Chavardès RD, Daniels LD, Waeber PO, Innes JL, Nitschke CR (2013) Unstable climate-growth relations for white spruce in southwest Yukon, Canada. Climatic Change, 116(3–4): 593–611 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10584-012-0503-8
Chavardès RD, Daniels LD, Waeber PO, Innes JL, Nitschke CR (2012) Did the 1976-1977 switch in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation make white spruce in the southwest Yukon more susceptible to spruce bark beetle? The Forestry Chronicle, 88(5): 513–518 http://dx.doi.org/10.5558/tfc2012-098